
Inspirational Art Quotes to overcome Artistic Block

A most common terminology heard in the art community is “Artistic Block”. What is it? – A moment that concerns every creative head – when an artist cannot bring themselves to make art with their creativity. In these situations, you often tend to be hard on yourselves and keep waiting for an inspiration to strike. But it aint that simple! … Continue readingInspirational Art Quotes to overcome Artistic Block

Top Fan of Craft N Canvas

She enjoys reading, listening to music and cooking. As a hobby, She likes to paint sometimes.
“Success is… At the end of the day, you feel that you have given your best in whatever trivial thing you are doing and you are equipped to face tomorrow without fear, with its hurdles and challenges. Success is a state of mind, no materialistic possession can define it” – Anindita Roy … Continue readingTop Fan of Craft N Canvas


10 ways ArtoberCNC changed my life

I got up last night from my deep REM slumber as my phone chimed becuase of artist around the world tagging us in their artobercnc challenge. I am away from India so my night time is their work time that’s the time most of people create their art and tag us 🙂 .
Frankly I got frustrated a little at first as i was watching a beautiful dream but then i relaized how beautiful this reality is that people are responding to this challenge and day by day getting better in their artwork. … Continue reading10 ways ArtoberCNC changed my life