Artober is a month long art challenge created and started by Craft N Canvas in the year 2019 that is focused on improving drawing and sketching skill set and developing positive habits.
This Challenge happens every day in the month of October. And this is an open challenge that allows anyone and everyone to participate for FREE!!
As part of the Artober Challenge, one gets a chance to show their art by drawing/sketching the topic for the day and posts it online. While posting, one must remember to use the hashtags #artobercnc and #craftncanvascnc so that the artwork can be viewed by everyone.
Artober Challenge is the time to encourage the creative spirits. At the end of the Artober Challenge, we announce 1 winner and they will be awarded with awesome gifts/goodies based on consistency and creativity level.
1) Make a drawing or a sketch or a painting or anything creative on paper or on digital canvas. (It must have your signature)
2) Post it*
3) Hashtag it with #artobercnc and #craftncanvas (for FB and Insta) and
Duet any of our video with above mentioned hashtags (for TikTok)
4) Repeat
Note: you can do it daily, or go the half-marathon route and post every other day, or post once a week. What ever you decide, just be consistent with it. Artober is about growing and improving and forming positive habits, so the more you’re consistent the better.
That’s it! Now go make something beautiful.
Post it on any social media account you want or just post it on your refrigerator. The point is to share your art with someone. 🙂
Happy Artober!!
2024 Official prompt list

2023 Official prompt list

2022 Expired Official prompt list

2021 Expired Official prompt list

2020 Expired Official prompt list

2019 Expired Official prompt list

You can also reach us on our other Social media handles:
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/c/CraftNCanvas
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/craftncanvas.cnc
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/craftncanvas.cnc
TikTok – https://vm.tiktok.com/nK1eyo/
For any Business Inquiries, write to us at support@craftncanvas.com