Welcoming New Year with a cute Printable DIY Calendar 2024.
Definitely, one of the fun projects we have crafted. This Printable DIY Calendar 2024 is a blend of creativity with functionality. The beauty of this calendar is when each month is stacked together.
This is how the calendar came together :
We wanted to make a desk Calendar that falls in our aesthetic. So, we began by designing the most common art tool – Brushes. We usually store paint brushes in mason jars. By incorporating it, we came up with the below design. Thanks to Pinterest for some reference inspiration.

If you liked the design, Please download the free template from the link below.
You can simply print the downloaded template from any printer available. We used Cricut Explore Air 3 to draw the prints on cardboard paper. Just to give it a unique visual appeal.
Once the printing is complete, we recommend to keep the sheets aside for an hour. This is to dry the ink. Otherwise, there are chances of ink smudging when you start cutting immediately.
You can use blade or scissors to cut out the printed templates. We used Cricut Explore Air 3 again for cutting.
Last but not the least, Printable DIY Calendar 2024 is incomplete without a calendar stand. The template for calendar stand is also available in the file attached.
We used the template and cut out a recyclable carboard. Using a thick cardboard will make the stand more firm in-order to withstand the Calendar.
This is a small glimpse of the processes mentioned above.
Wishing you a Happy & Prosperous New Year. If you liked this post, Please feel free to drop a comment below.
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