Our team spent hours and have come up with TOP 10 Leaderboard.
The leaderboard is based on data collected from instagram until Apr 26 2020 10:30 am IST. Please Note: The competition is till May 30, 2020. This Leaderboard is just to give you an idea how the competition is going on. This is NOT the final leaderboard. Judgment Process: During this period our team picked and credited 1 pt for valid a like and 1 pt. for a valid comment. Valid Like / Comment: An artwork liked or commented by a follower of @craftncanvas.cnc This contest is so interesting and neck to neck, we were at the edge of the seat during this process. What next –> Pull up your socks and get in the game. Its just matter of 1 follower that can change your position on leaderboard. A Big THANK YOU!! We have thoroughly enjoyed the process and thanks to you all for that. It wouldnt have been possible without your amazing artwork entries. Each artwork is so unique and spectacular, we are in short of words to describe.
Please comment here if you guys have any doubts !
Happy painting !