Hi Folks!!!
Hope you all are doing well. CNC is back with an art challenge. So get ready to win exciting rewards!!! 😁
1. Follow @craftncanvas.cnc
2. DM us your signed artwork. ( 1 Entry per person )
3. We will post your artwork on our page by tagging you.
Post with Most LIKES , SHARES and COMMENTS along with creativity will win this CONTEST .
You can invite your friends to do so but please make sure people must be followers of CraftNCanvas on Insta. One person’s comment will be counted just once including your replies to them.
1ST – 1500/- INR
2ND – 1000/- INR
3RD – 500/- INR
Last day of submission- 30/05/2020
Day of announcement – 01/06/2020
For any further questions or queries related to challenge, please do drop your comment in here ☺️
Can I nominate people and ask them to participate in the challenge?
Yes sure and tag us as well and please ask them to read the rules carefully.
Just remind them all that the likes and comments of craftncanvas’s Insta followers only will be counted.
Please let us know if you need any kind of support from us .
I have followed your page and DM my drawing to you .. Dont know it is not posted .
Thanks for sending your artwork ! There are 100 of artists participating in this contest so we would advise everyone to be patient.
But i think your post has been published . Please check and confirm us here
How to draw female sketch
Please subscribe to our youtube channel for more such tutorial videos.
I think this one in particular will help you:
All artworks are awesome