Extroverts & Introverts Conversation
Last night, I received a text from one of my old friend.
As per the text, the person wanted to learn oil painting in the middle of the night. I was surprised rather shocked because it had been 8 years since I completed my Engineering and had never been contacted by my “dear friend” since then.
The Irony is – this person doesn’t even remember my name and did a typo in addressing me as well. Which kept me wondering how on Mars this person is contacting me ?
Then I realized, its because of Corona outbreak and similar to the situation of “my friend” in above reference many Extroverts are trying to become self proclaimed “Introverts”. Before, I go deep into explaining my agony, let me clarify you on the definition of Extroverts and Introverts .
Introverts & Extroverts
Introverts, as defined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung in 1921, tend to be happier with their own company and feel their best after some alone time. They gravitate toward more thoughtful and solitary activities, and are considered to be reserved or reflective.
Extroverts, on the other hand, are talkative, enthusiastic and more social; they’re energized by encounters with other people.
Most of us are somewhere in between the two personality types. But, one trait does tend to be more dominant than the other. Typically, our culture is one that supports extroversion. Many introverts may even fake “it” as if they’re more extroverted sometimes because society does value extroverts.
When I felt like Batman
After this “friendly” incident, I got a series of text messages and phone calls from random people. They wanted to learn painting or different kind of art and they needed my help (URGENTLY). I suddenly felt like Batman. Initially, I tried helping every single one of them. I was thinking that art one of their hobbies or interests and they are genuinely willing to learn. During the sessions, It was not too late that I realized that they are in whims. And have gotten this adrenaline rush from some unknown source. It seemed like they are hypnotized to get it done for a day and then they will forget about it after posting on social media. Its like a one night or a day stand for them 🙂 .
Human Tendency
There has been lock down all over the world in this pandemic situation. It is human tendency to get bored and want to do something new while staying isolated.
I understand you and the situation. But, let me give you a sweet suggestion – if above is the case with you then please pick-up some thing that you are inclined towards. That feels blissful while doing. Because, without any emotional attachment to what you are doing, It would be something like suddenly Sheldon Cooper (character from Big Bang Theory) started swimming lessons out of no where.
Social Distancing is not Social Disturbing
I know you guys recently started doing social distancing. There is nothing wrong in learning some thing new but then do it on your own peril. Social Distancing is not Social Disturbing. Please think twice before reaching out to artist community. Not just because you have got this adrenaline rush to do something creative and post it for Social media.

Yes we are Artists !
Its a well known fact that Artists have been practicing social distancing since their birth .
Artists are enjoying this self isolation period like anything. Think like this – we like people around us but, we do not want to interfere in their lives and do not want them to interfere in ours without a genuine reason. I myself have taken a new apartment. Just for alone time to get most out of this valuable period. I am exploring my niche and not disturbing anyone else.
We, the art practitioners (guitarists, pianists, vocalists ) are getting our feeds from Internet and improvising continuously in terms of putting our best out there.
I think its time everyone start doing that and respect other people’s privacy.
Genuine Help Seekers
Not all people are like this. There are lot of genuine people as well who are trying to craft new skills. I received another text from one of my friend and this person’s problem was lack of tools while doing painting. I knew he is genuinely interested in learning this skill. So, I just motivated him by saying “My friend Creativity is more important than tools , use your fingers to create art”. Guess What? – This person created a master piece on canvas in the very first attempt in oil painting. I was proud to see that. Such incidents prove a very simple point of “Where there is a will , There is a way !”
This is not to demotivate anyone who is genuinely seeking for advice, who have given their thoughts, time and effort in a particular hobby. Learn new things, explore your skills, join some online sessions, do stuffs and nobody is asking you to stop all this. But, pay some respect to the hobby that you are trying to learn and then only you can make a good use out of this self isolation period.
I know my words would have hurt many of you but, someone had to speak out the truth from the side of introverts who are already very confused with this sort of behaviour but will not speak a word about it.
Please share your experience as well if you faced any situation like this and if you are the one doing all this with your introvert friend then now is the time to call him or her else you may loose that friend over bunch of likes on social networking websites.
Respect !
Going through an artistic block or creative rut? Check this out http://www.craftncanvas.com/index.php/2020/05/23/15-inspirational-art-quotes-to-help-you-overcome-creative-rut-artistic-block/
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Haha..your posts are very interesting, simple, daily happenings and yet makes me glue to it.