Our Secret Materials for Oil Painting are here

Hi Folks!
Today we are revealing our secret oil painting materials that are useful for all beginners out there.

You might be wondering what is so secretive about these materials. You can get content, details of anything and everything on the internet today. You can Google, You can search YouTube videos there are so many blog, websites that are available.

But, you know what? YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!

As a beginner, I did the same. I went about researching on lots of materials but, I ended up being lost.You often turn out to get the most professional and sophisticated kit – which is way to complex or say very expensive for a beginner or you end up getting very basic ones – which might not give the magic touch to your oil paintings.

When we ask a question to a non artist or beginner – “What materials are required for oil paintings?”
They end up saying – Canvas, some Paints and Brushes. But that’s not it, there is some more.

This will be a guide for you to know all the materials that will be needed essentially for oil paintings.

Today, In Market – there are all varieties of canvas boards available of different sizes and quantities. Make sure you are picking up the right canvas board which is specifically for oil paintings

This is the specific set of paint brushes that we use. It has different sizes and shapes which allow you to paint anything and everything of your imagination.
It is also very comfortable to hold, easy to paint and maintain. It comes in a zip lock cover which allows to store paint brushes safely.

Note – These are not the real knives.

These are the plastic painting knives which will help to give texture to your paintings. These knives are very economical and budget friendly.

The most important material for oil painting is “The Oil Colors”.
The Camel Artist’s Oil Color Box is what we would recommend to all beginners.
Why? – because it has 12 shades and all of these 12 shades will be very useful for your paintings.

When it comes to paints its a MESS , its a mess all over not only on your tools and brushes, but also in and around your work area. So, to clean off your tools and brushes there is something special called the distilled turpentine. This will help to remove off all the pigments of oil from the tools. It is very important and essential to have clean tools and brushes when you are oil painting.

Primer is something that should be applied before starting to paint off anything.
Because, by applying this, it will make sure that the oil from the paints does not spread over the canvas

As you are aware, for any water-color, acrylic color paintings, water is used as a medium to mix the colors. Similarly, for oil paintings, lineseed oil will act as a medium to mix all colors. It gives a smooth finish for all your colors when you are painting.

You can use any size, any form, any shape of palette as long as you have it for mixing colors.


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